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According to this article released by Airbnb, a new study by EY has found that Airbnb has little to no significant impact on the price and availability of housing in the UK, and that over 95% of house price increases can be attributed to factors unrelated to short-term rentals, such as increases in income and inflation.

In summary, it finds that Airbnb guests delivered significant economic benefits for communities across the UK; the share of properties listed full-time on Airbnb is too small to have any significant impact on housing supply; across the vast majority of areas studied, there is no relationship between the growth in listings on Airbnb and the increase in housing costs; and the economic benefits of Airbnb-linked travel in the UK exceed the impact on housing costs.

It also states that there are only 25 out of 318 local authorities where more than 2% of total dwellings are listed on Airbnb.

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