ASAP is delighted to announce our collaboration with the Manchester Accommodation Business Improvement District initiative.
When we spoke last week, we introduced introduced Victoria Curley and Rachel Kettle to the work of the Serviced Apartment Networking Group (SANG), founded by Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP and facilitated now by ASAP .
We very much hope they and other fellow ABID members will join us at the next meeting, scheduled for October.
The Manchester ABID is led by the city’s hotel and serviced apartment providers to help create new events and additional activities that will attract more people to visit and stay in Manchester and Salford, through initiatives such as marketing campaigns, large-scale events, conferences and festivals in low-season months, and improving guest welcome and street cleanliness.
This is all funded by the Manchester City Visitor Charge of £1 per room/unit per night for guests, added to accommodation costs.
As ASAP currently represents almost 1,000 apartments across the central city area, we hope our contacts and joint communications ideas can help the ABID in its work, which we hope then to replicate across the UK and Europe wherever we represent members. If you’re interested in finding out more about the Manchester ABID please visit their website; if you’re interested in becoming an ASAP Operator, Agent or Supplier Member, please contact Kim.